Wholesale & Retail Greenhouse

Plymouth, Ohio

daronfarms greenhouse2014 008
daronsgreenhouseandfloral sue swert
daronsgreenhouseandfloral andy sally daron

About Us

At Daron Farms, we pride ourselves in being a top-notch greenhouse. Having been in business for over ten years, we know a thing or two about flowers. We grow everything from annuals, perennials, and vegetables—including patio tomatoes, 12-inch hanging baskets, pots and flats with assorted plants, and fall mums. Our customers mean the world to us, and we want to be able to serve you the best that we can. If there is any way we can help, please contact us today!



We are a wholesale and retail greenhouse and we grow everything!
Well, maybe not everything, but if you want it we will grow it! Our retail doors open in April and we have all of your plant needs. We can even fill existing custom planters. Wholesale buyers can contact us at any time to place an order. To guarantee availability, please contact us in December/January so that we can have it available in the spring.


Fall Mums

It’s the best season of the year (maybe our mums are biased)!
We grow thousands of mums every year and have over 50 varieties to choose from. We plant them in June and by late August some varieties are blooming while others wait to bloom until later in the season. Wholesale & retail buyers are both welcome!

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